Building Your Brilliance
To accelerate your career, we need to begin where you are and move quickly to where you want and need to be – no matter what your situation.
Building Your Brilliance
Your journey begins with an intake process which includes questions and an open discussion focused on your current state, your expertise, and your awareness on collaborative and leadership style. We will explore what you perceive are personal strengths and weaknesses. In this session we will explore possible goals for your success. We will decide together if using a behavioral or personality assessment would be helpful in meeting your goals.
Next, we will embark in a series of one-on-one 30 or 60-minute coaching sessions to take place over the next 90 days (or longer as we deem appropriate). Accountability exercises, mutually agreed upon, will be assigned between sessions to reinforce and expand the learnings.
Possible Objectives – Dependent on Individual Goals
- Articulate and formulate personal vision, mission and guiding values
- Critique natural preferences, behavior, and reactions under pressure; emotional qualities and reactions; feelings and ‘self-talk’
- Raise awareness of overextended behavior and assess how that affects individual performance and leadership effectiveness.
- Develop a plan to manage and mitigate overextended behaviors that are sabotaging success.
- Demonstrate meaningful action – directing behavior towards goal completion while honoring values
- Acquire strategies to form strong relationships built on trust, respect, rapport, and value
Jane’s Coaching Credentials
- Master of Arts in Education
- Gifted Education Certificate – Hamline University
- Coaching Certificate Learning Journeys International
- MBTI Certified
- High Performing Systems, Inc. Certifications: ARESONAL Individual Stress Assessment
- LIFE Questionnaire by Dr. Curtis Levang: Based on the Pesso Boyden Psychomotor System

Book Your Free First Session
Schedule your free 30-minute session with Jane to explore just “one thing” that you could do differently to make an immediate positive impact. Learn about programs that will give you or your team the skills needed to build confidence, collaborate, and effectively communicate to make good decisions and deliver results!
Schedule your free 30-minute call with Jane today and start your journey to Brilliance!