Brilliance for Your Team
Developing a brilliant team is about attitude, beliefs, values, and behaviors that foster creativity and collaboration.
Brilliance for Teams
Developing a team for high performance is little about the actual skills necessary to do the job and more about attitude, beliefs, values, and behaviors that foster creativity and collaboration. I recommend a series of group sessions along with individual consultation to achieve long lasting change that will move your team into high performance. If you set a goal to lose 10 pounds, you would never expect to drop the weight in one weight loss session. It takes a change of behavior over time to lose weight and to keep it off. Similarly, developing a high performing team takes time and needs a strategy to achieve productive and positive results.
All team development programs are customizable.
Please consider the following questions and schedule time with Jane to discuss your needs and begin your team’s journey to brilliance.
- Background Info: Provide a summary of your team and the team’s role in your organization
- Purpose: What business challenges are you facing that make this development program important?
- Behavior: What behaviors will support the success and lead to stated business outcomes? What specific behaviors do you want to observe in your team after the program?
- Attitudes: What attitudes of participants would you like to shift? Are there any attitudes of participants that you would like to surface?