Brilliance for Leaders
Build your leadership capability by identifying your natural strengths, weaknesses, obstacles, and opportunities
Brilliance for Leaders
Leaders must hold a vision and be able to enroll others into it. Successful leaders set a direction and ensure the underlying purpose is crystal clear. They build the organization’s capability to deliver consistently and reliably and focus on execution and ensure the organization achieves its goals. Most importantly, they know how to bring out the best in people and unleash talent.
Everyone has his/her own unique leadership style. Knowing your style and how to capitalize on your personal strengths as a leader is not always easy. Carving out time to reflect on your leadership strengths, weaknesses, and obstacles to success is a must in order to achieve positive and long-lasting results.
I recommend a series of 10 meetings – 30 minutes weekly or 60 minutes two times a month – to ensure positive and effective leadership development. I encourage the use of leadership and behavioral assessments to assist with the process of maturing of your leadership capabilities – personality, emotional intelligence and leadership 360 tools.
Leadership Development Objectives
- Build leadership capability through identification of natural leadership strengths as it affects effectiveness and goal completion
- Recognize opportunities for development to further success as a leader
- Raise awareness of overextended behavior and assess how that affects individual performance and leadership effectiveness
- Develop a plan to manage and mitigate overextended behaviors that are sabotaging success
- Develop a communication process that will inspire support, trust, and effective feedback among leaders, peers, and direct reports
Jane’s Coaching Credentials
- Master of Arts in Education
- Gifted Education Certificate – Hamline University
- Coaching Certificate Learning Journeys International
- MBTI Certified
- High Performing Systems, Inc. Certifications: ARESONAL Individual Stress Assessment
- LIFE Questionnaire by Dr. Curtis Levang: Based on the Pesso Boyden Psychomotor System