Owning brilliance starts with having a clear brand. I can personally attest to the fact that it is difficult to shine brilliantly when your brand is confusing or cluttered. In a recent blog post, I captured the elements of my brand refresh process. Along the way, I really paid attention to the details of the process – what came naturally and what challenges were difficult.

As a result, I’ve broken down brilliance into a process organized in four simple yet powerful themes. My goal is to help others be the best that they can be by sharing my story and process as inspiration for uncovering brilliance. I believe I’m living proof that this process works!

Four Areas of Uncovering Brilliance:

      1. Self-Awareness: A Positively Brilliant You! Who are you and what makes you brilliant? We all have that diamond within; we just need to uncover it.
      1. Personal and Organizational Health: The Healthy Engaged Life. How do you polish the diamond and keep it shining bright?
      1. Creativity and Innovation: The Innovative Mind. Mining and cutting the diamond for a brilliance like no other is not easy task and consequently, we think the creative process of becoming brilliant is saved for an elite few. Not true! We all were once creative children before something along the way squashed it out of us. Now is the time to reclaim it!
      1. Leadership and Teams: Leading Brilliance. How do you bring all of the brilliance together and balance individual and group shine? It needs to be stunning and complete the goal that is worth its brilliance.

Over the next months, I’ll explore each of the four key themes more in-depth and share insight with you on my blog. Additionally, a key part of my process is listening. I value constructive feedback on my path to uncovering brilliance. Please join me in this journey by:

    1. Visiting my new website, www.janeschuette.com.
    2. Following me on Twitter @JaneCSchuette and Instagram @JaneSchuette.