“The world around us is filled with danger. Filled with things trying to make our lives miserable. It’s nothing personal; it’s just the way it is.” Simon Sinek, Leaders Eat Last.

Our brain is hardwired to help us with that, according to Dr. Daniel Segal, professor of clinical psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, our brain is on constant watch to alert us of possible danger.

Why Safety Awareness Matters

Organizations help our brains be alert to possible dangers and unsafe environments by offering safety moments and safety classes as ways to increase our awareness. This education helps to minimize potential accidents with the added benefit of less stress and optimal brain functioning to get the job done while having fun at the same time.

The same is true when it comes to cybersecurity. The surprising truth is that our brain is not always on alert for intruders via our online activity. With LinkedIn’s most recent data breach announcement to change passwords, I was reminded of how easy it is to fall victim to cyber theft.

Personally, as an independent business owner, there is nothing worse than failure with my electronics. The time and energy needed to recover from a breach of information, a virus, or hacker, not only is time wasting and energy draining, it is STRESSFUL.

Education is a Sound Solution

According to EarthBend technologies, there are more malicious threats than ever before.  The premier technology provider, who happens to be one of my clients, has many years of experience in helping businesses with cybersecurity.  The majority of the time they are helping customers mitigate risks with technology solutions, but they also have come to the rescue in cases where a business had fallen victim to a malicious hacker.  Often users unintentionally click on a link or conduct an act that puts their business at risk.  This is due to a lack of education of what threats are out there and how they can help prevent them.  It is no longer a matter of if something will happen but when.  EarthBend has designed a program to help businesses stay ahead of risk; they have graciously offered a few tips (trusted link) for all us whether we are at work or home.

Bottom line: use a preventative approach on taming your stress and educate yourself on how to be safe, and in turn, be brilliant at home, at work, at play, and online.